It began at a Kate Bush concert. Field Music’s Peter Brewis met solo artist and Admiral Fallow member Sarah Hayes, and everything clicked. “I’d been an admirer of Field Music for a good while before meeting Peter at the gig,…
When Louis Abbott was explaining how Admiral Fallow’s second album had come to have on it so many new sounds, he told us it was because his bandmates continued to surprise him with their array of abilities. And just in…
FFS is delighted to announce the tracklist for our third charity Christmas album, For Folk’s Sake It’s Christmas 2012. We’ve got original songs from the likes of Ellen & the Escapades, Tom Williams (of ‘& the Boat’ fame) and Admiral…
Keston Cobblers’ Club are on a self-appointed mission to ‘heel your soles’. Luckily they’re a great deal better at music than puns, combining truly lovely old-school folk with their classical training, trad jazz and a modern-day quirkiness. FFS has been…
Louis Abbott, second right, with Admiral Fallow For Admiral Fallow frontman Louis Abbott, finding time to draw breath isn’t easy. When For Folk’s Sake caught up with him he was enjoying a couple of days “on holiday in England”, which…
It’s an uncharacteristically beautiful Friday evening as we hot foot it down the A23 to Brighton for the most exciting new music festival of the year, The Great Escape. We may have missed a cracking first couple of days, but…
Admiral Fallow spent two and a half years crafting the songs that made up their debut album Boots Met My Face before committing them to the tape, part of a slow-burning process that saw the record released twice before it…