Tough times can overcome you, and they can be overcome. Every story is different, but the chances of finding a way through are much stronger with the love and support of family and friends. And that was the backdrop for…
Los Campesinos! – Hello Sadness Heading up the singles round-up this week is the title track from Los Campesinos!’ forthcoming album Hello Sadness. Nearly every song on that album is catchy enough for its own release but perhaps a little…
It’s no secret that FFS are stonking great big fans of Tristram. Of course we are. The man makes the most heart-searing noises with his bare mouth. We liked his ‘Someone Told Me a Poem’ EP so much we raved…
It’s hardly news to FFS’s regular readers that Brian’s a pretty inconsistent character. He flits about, willy-nilly, with little concern for the wellbeing of his mixtape devotees. You might be relieved to hear that he’s turning over a new Horse…
When I was an undergraduate we would sometimes play the ‘would you rather…’ game. Andy and Maggie play it in Extras (‘Would you rather be a penguin who’s a bird but can’t fly or a flying fish that’s a fish…
This is, by necessity, a brief and information-packed news item, because The Miserable Rich are on tour right now and will stop being on 19th June. They are fantastically talented musicians with a proclivity for reviving old, neglected instruments whilst…
Having only released their debut album earlier this year, it is quite remarkable that the still relatively unknown quantity that is The Miserable Rich carry with them such a recognisably distinctive and uniquely personal sound through a combination of James…
The Miserable Rich – yet another marvellous band from Brighton’s Willkommen Collective – have just released their brilliant Covers EP with new takes on songs by Iggy Pop and the Eurithmics. Frontman James de Malplaquet answered our questions.