Elbow's Guy Garvey's show is on Sundays 10pm-midnight
Ladies and gents, we’ve been so impressed with the letters in defense of our favourite radio station that we’ve had the privilege of reading. The 6music listeners who came across our request to be copied into emails have been an overwhelmingly articulate, passionate and polite bunch.
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to wear our support proudly emblazoned across our collective chest, or pinned proudly to our lapels?
Thusly we’re asking you to submit designs for “Save 6 Music” t-shirts and badges. We’ll then present the designs online, ask you to choose which ones we should produce in bulk, then get a load made up and sell them as cheaply as we can manage through some sort of online shopping wizardry.
I for one think it’d be just lovely to be able to spot like-minded people in the street. After all, we’re all in this together.
Send any designs to savesix[at]forfolkssake[dot]com.
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