The Little Ones

They Say: \\”All members of the Little Ones lives were intertwined in some way over the years. Whether it was siblings, past bands, hometowns, or childhood friends. There were circumstances that brought these individuals and their feet together. The world…

Gideon Conn

Gideon Conn is based in Manchester, and has been an increasingly familiar face at numerous festivals over the past few years. With his truly unique brand of acoustic rap, folk and hip-hop and his wide-eyed persona, Conn rarely fails to…


Adem: South Londoner Adem makes beautiful folk-inspired music using a spectrum of instruments that few could hope to rival. His idosyncratic brand of yarn-weaving is a wonder to behold. He Says: “Sounds like: home. Sounds like space. Sounds like a…

Emmy The Great

Emmy The Great: a.k.a. Emma Lee Moss is a London-based antifolk somebody with a stunning talent for bittersweet rhyme. A proponent of the London anti-folk scene, she has collaborated with several other artists including Johnny Flynn and Lightspeed Champion. Her…