Tag: Iron and Wine

Album | Iron And Wine – Who Can See Forever

Sam Beam has been recording as Iron and Wine for over 20 years, so the thought of looking back at his career with a live concert film, Who Can See Forever makes sense. Evolving in much the same way his…

Live | Cambridge Folk Festival 2019

‘Good to see you again, folks!’ read the screens next to stage one on Thursday, the opening evening of 2019’s Cambridge Folk Festival; a not unfounded assumption that audiences return year after year. Thursday night has traditionally been a soft…

Upcoming | Iron & Wine – Beast Epic (25/8/2017)

After releasing a rather excellent set of songs under his own name alongside Jesca Hoop (Love Letters for Fire) in 2016, Sam Beam is returning with a new Iron & Wine record, Beast Epic, in the summer of 2017. With 11…

New Bands Panel | Yesper – Cannibal King EP

Cannibal King isn’t the kind of EP title you get on this website all that often… it might even be the first time that a title about eating human flesh has ever appeared on FFS (Not quite! See here). Anyway, when Yesper,…