#17 Heg & the Wolf Chorus – Cinder

Heg Doughty leads her lupine chorus with lyrics as clean and clear as crystal, producing multifarious, melodramatic folk songs.

Strings and keys make for a lustrous, complex musical lanscape, home to a red-winged boy with avian aspirations and a dark heart.

Embers are conjured up out of this tightly constructed, flighty tune in which shutters smash on wings, and birds and boys do not live happily ever after.

Unafraid to come crashing down at the end of a flighty soprano line with a thudding “doof”, Doughty’s vocal is an intense pleasure in itself, before we even get to the roaring waves of the piano and viola that lead ‘Cinder’.

Heg & the Wolf Chorus are based in Bristol, and we’re sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of them.