While The Healing Day is to mark Dylan Perkons’ official debut, the Victoria, BC artist has been honing his craft in songwriting for years prior. The Healing Day, therefore, is more-so a poised artist finally stepping into the light. The album features Perkons at his most astute, having developed songs that fully accentuate the breadth of his songwriting technique as a melange of synths, strings, piano, and horn come to surround him. It also features him at his most heartful, passionately performing each of t the multi-faceted yet earnest tracks of which it is comprised.
‘Desert Island’ is this assessment’s case-in-point, a haunting folk song tinged in psychedelic production that comes in layers. On the song, Perkons tells For Folk’s Sake, “This song came one winter night in the kitchen while I was demoing another song. A lot of my songs are usually inspired by the mood of the room when I press record at home. There are sounds, feelings, ghosts in every room, so when I’m sitting down to write, I’m usually just trying to listen.”
Words by: Jonathan Frahm