Photo: Tony Hammons
As bold a claim as it may be, Kristin Chambers’ newest single feels a whole lot like a new holiday chestnut. Wrapped in a healing, nostalgic warmth and heart, the gentle sway of ‘Merry Through the Year’ recants the love of many Christmases past. Chambers’ rich, sweet croon is the perfect vehicle for the gorgeous arrangement, carried forward by an ensemble of piano and strings. It’s set to release in just a few days on 7 December, but For Folk’s Sake is privileged to carry its special premiere today for our readers to bask in its warmth just a tad early.
On ‘Merry Through the Year’, Chambers says…
“I wanted to write a song that reaches out to people that may not be feeling %100 jolly as the holiday joy takes over our world in every facet. I think we all have friends and family that struggle at this time, or feel a little down in the Winter. There’s a lot of specific stories I could tell about this, and I think this year there is particularly a lot going on in the world that isn’t particularly Merry.”
“So that being said- ‘Merry Through the Year’ is a warm hug, and cozy blanket saying, Hey, I know, but I am here for you. Let’s focus on the blessings we have in this moment, and in the spirit of giving and love, let’s move forward in hope.”
Words by: Jonathan Frahm (@jfrahm_)
Photo: Tony Hammons